The Future of Medical Affairs: Tools, Trends & Resources

This ACMA webinar will help you better understand the latest digital tools used by medical affairs in the pharmaceutical industry. What role AI will play and best practices when collecting field medical insights.

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When: Thursday, February 16th, 2023 at 1:00pm EST

Webinar Topic: Medical Affairs Tools, Trends & Resources: What role will AI play?

Objectives - Discuss best practices within medical affairs when it comes to digital tools - Learn how the role of AI may be shaping medical affairs in the future - Share best practices on collecting competitive field medical insights effectively

Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST

VP, Global Medical and Scientific Affairs

Mena Boules

VP, Global Medical and Scientific Affairs

Founder and CEO at the ACMA

William Soliman

Founder and CEO at the ACMA

Webinar has already passed

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