The ACMA's Commitment to Social Responsibility

Providing Scholarships

Providing Scholarships

The ACMA provides scholarships for Medical Affairs training to adult learners who face financial hardship. The ACMA's partial and full scholarships ensure that individuals do not have to stop learning and developing themselves due of the costs of training.

Transforming Pharma

At the ACMA, we are striving to redefine the standards of the pharmaceutical industry. Given the industry's financial incentives to shepherd pharmaceutical products, it is the responsibility of medical and scientific professionals to deliver information on emerging medications to healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients in a competent, ethical fashion. Click below to read more about how the ACMA is leaving its mark on the industry.

Partnering with the top 250+ pharma, biotech and healthcare organizations

  • cardinal
  • novartis
  • abbvie
  • gilead
  • gsk
  • novo+nordisk
  • pfizer
  • roche
  • sanofi
  • takeda
  • cardinal
  • novartis
  • abbvie
  • gilead
  • gsk
  • novo+nordisk
  • pfizer
  • roche
  • sanofi
  • takeda

Helping Inner City Kids With Interests in STEM

The ACMA sponsors and participates in a number of programs designed to ensure educational opportunities for populations that are under served by traditional professional paths. From our own experiences and those of our colleagues in healthcare, we have learned the value of a hand up and a door held open.

The ACMA works with established foundations, such as the Abuela Lucy Foundation, to identify and fund programs that provide opportunities for students in economically distressed areas to pursue scientific and healthcare careers. This support comes in the form of direct funding and working with other organizations to create educational programs for students who would not otherwise have access to such programs.

Providing Scholarships

The Abuela Lucy Foundation

The ACMA is a proud sponsor of the Abuela Lucy Foundation. The Abuela Lucy Life Sciences program provides grants and scholarships to educational institutions that support learners in the areas of biology and medicine. These fields, which are underrepresented by students with diverse backgrounds, are essential to our daily lives.

Diversity and Inclusion

The ACMA team believes strongly in breaking down historical barriers that prevent underserved populations from fully participating in educational and professional development opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that everyone we work with feels they are welcome and being treated with dignity and respect. In the management of our programs, we seek to understand how we can change the industry environment for the better. We're committed to actions and policies that ensure everyone at the ACMA, as well as our clients and partners feel welcome and is treated with dignity and respect. We are an ESG centered organization setting standards for life sciences professionals to harmonize all three branches in medical affairs for environmentally sustainable clinical operations, diversity in clinical trials, and corporate responsibility to improve patient care. For more information, visit the Anti-Discrimination Policy linked below.


Helping Professionals Meet Regulatory Demands for Certification

The life sciences industry has moved toward establishing higher standards of behavior and knowledge over the last several years. However, the opioid crisis has driven some governmental bodies to either enact or plan for legislation that requires pharmaceutical professionals to be certified by a neutral and accredited body. The ACMA is working in several state and local geographies to help companies meet this mandated requirement.

In Chicago, for example, the ACMA provides sales representatives with training and certification to meet their city's strict requirements for all professionals that promote pharmaceuticals. Different versions of mandatory certification will likely come to many more local and state law books soon. The ACMA provides both legislators and pharmaceutical leaders with the advice and tools required to ensure that training and certification meet this growing patchwork of requirements.

Academic Integrity

The ACMA hosts and manages programs that provide educational and career development opportunities to healthcare professionals. These professionals are responsible for patient treatment, scientific communication and business practices that ultimately determine the well-being of fellow human beings. As an accredited body held to the highest standards of conduct, the ACMA must ensure integrity for itself and every participant in its programs.

The information in the ACMA's program must be objective and based entirely on the best science available. For more information about the requirements and implementation of our Academic Integrity Policy, please visit the link below