Become an ACMA Fellow

Earn distinction as a fellow in the most prestigious and well recognized medical affairs organization in the world.

marySilverman acma fellow

The ACMA Fellows Program

Being recognized as an ACMA fellow is an honor bestowed on the best of the medical affairs profession. Fellows are nominated based on a detailed application process and eligibility criteria based on their professional experience and contribution to the medical affairs profession.

Fellowship in the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs identifies you as a distinguished contributor and thought leader to colleagues in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, medical devices, and biotechnology industries.

Benefits Benefits to becoming an ACMA Fellow


Fellows of the ACMA will enjoy expanded networking opportunities to expand your professional ecosystem at ACMA events.

Training & Career Development

ACMA Fellows will have access to discounted ACMA courses and certification programs as well as joining free leadership training sessions offered throughout the year for FREE.

Expanded Career Visibility

Free Induction into ACMA RECRUIT, a exclusive job database of scholars in medical affairs and the MSL profession where recruiters and decision makers in the biopharmaceutical industry go to find talent for new job opportunities.

Policy & Public Affairs

ACMA Fellows are invited to help the ACMA in its work with government and public policy to help raise awareness of the importance of professional standards in medical affairs as well as engage with key decision makers influencing healthcare and pharmaceutical industry policies.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible, candidates must:

Have successfully completed the Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist (BCMAS) program.

Have at least 5 years of professional experience as a medical affairs professional/medical science liaison.

Submit a 500 word essay on the topic, How have you positively contributed to elevating the medical affairs profession?

Fellows are expected to:

Heighten public awareness of the medical affairs profession through presentations at professional meetings, publications and scholarly research.

Uphold the highest standards of ethics as a life sciences professional committed to always putting the patient at the center of what we do.

Attend professional organization meetings, as an advocate for the principles and practices espoused by the ACMA. This can include but is not limited to speaking engagements, networking events, etc.

Enroll and complete our Medical Strategic Planning Course.

Become an ACMA Social Ambassador

Mentor or Sponsor BCMAS candidates or graduates

Participate in ACMA advisory boards or committees/working groups

Fellow Dues:

One time Application Fee:

Price : $99

How are applications evaluated?

ACMA Fellowships are highly competitive and the selection process where candidates are reviewed against criteria that demonstrate their commitment to excellence in the medical affairs profession.

How soon will I find out if I am accepted as a fellow of the ACMA?

All applications are reviewed by an internal committee within the ACMA. The review process can take up to 2-3 weeks.

Becoming an ACMA Fellow