Program Recertification

The Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist Program Recertification Exam Only

As a BCMAS certified professional, you must meet specified requirements in order to maintain and renew your certification every five (5) years. Maintaining your certification is important as a professional. By choosing this option to you are given one attempt to complete and pass the BCMAS Final Board Exam to continue your BCMAS credentials.



8k + Graduates

The Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist Program Recertification Exam OnlyRecertification


BCMAS certifications not maintained in five years will be suspended



Earn an Accredited Certificate

Gain a Competitive Edge

100% Online

Flexible and Self-Paced

24/7 Live Chat Support

Real-Time Assistance

Recertification exam option

For this option of the BCMAS recertification you must retake and pass the BCMAS board exam. A passing score of 70 is required to continue your BCMAS credentials. Please note you will only be provided 1 attempt.

What are the benefits of maintaining my certification?

Salary Increase

Potential for salary increases and performance enhancements

Commitment to Your Profession

Demonstrated commitment to your profession

Graduate Network

Allows for participation in the graduate network

Continuing Education

Continuing education helps you stay relevant as the profession evolves and as the industry grows